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Flash Funds Beta – Instant fake Bank Alert Sender

Flash Funds Beta is An apk Use for Transferring of Fake Funds (Money) also know as Fake Alert and it reflects in the recipient Available Balance through Through SMS API and it disappear after 3 days Application is Available for Android and iOS.

Whether You Are Searching for How Flash Funds which is the best fake bank alert tool Works, How to download Flash Funds, Or How To Use Flash Funds Fake Alert Tool, This Post will be of Help

Features OF FLASH FUND BETA APP software

The following are the functions of the flash Funds Beta apk

° Transfer made by Flash Funds Beta last 3 days before it disappear

° Has function of receiving Debit Alert as SMS and EMAIL

° Fake funds Beta Funds is Transferable but can’t be withdraws

° Flash Fund Beta is easy to made use of because you don’t need any Hacking skill to use

° Install and use it doesn’t require Authorization or Activation code

Daily Cash Flash Limit: With The latest version, You can Flash Unlimited. This means Irrespective of the amount you Flashed, what matters is the receivers Account Limit. But you can send as many millions as you desire.

Change Client Alert Duration: There are some kind of Amounts you will flash and some countries you would flash to, you wouldn’t want the transaction to reflect instantly to make it look real. Flash Funds beta makes it easy for you to change duration.

How long you would want it to take before it appears on client bank after flashing the funds. From instantly to 72hrs. That’s the maximum you can go. That’s approximately 3days.

Change of Location:There’s already auto Installed IP which makes it easy for you to change location. All you need is just activate the auto IP and you will get access to over 150 locations Worldwide.

This makes it impossible tracking your activities when using Flash Funds beta. This feature was added for security reasons.

Flash Funds Stability:Funds Received with this tool are not stable. This means they disappear after some time. It’s just fake alert so any money Flashed to your client account is just temporary. By default,the Flashed Funds stays 24 – 48hrs in the beneficiary account before it vanishes.

In most cases,it stays longer.This means, When You send Fake Money To any of your clients, They will get the alert and also their bank account balance will be auto updated.But after 72hrs,their balance goes back to normal.

There are many Fake alert senders that requires you to get the phone numbers of your clients associated with their bank account. Hope you know how difficult that could be.

Flash Funds Beta can easily extract details before forwarding alert. This will make the alert go straight to client’s phone numbers and email linked with their bank without any inquiry

Flash Funds Beta remains the best fake bank alert sender tool till date.

For more info,kindly message us via our contact section for immediate share.

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